list cvars



Version: 1.0.1283

name default vartype desc flags
aas_goalArea "0" int no description I GAME ST CH MO
aas_pullPlayer "0" int no description I GAME ST CH MO
aas_randomPullPlayer "0" bool no description B GAME ST CH MO
aas_showAreaBounds "0" int When show areas is on, this draws the bounds of the areas, too... I GAME ST CH MO
aas_showAreas "0" int no description I GAME ST CH MO
aas_showFlyPath "0" int no description I GAME ST CH MO
aas_showHideArea "0" int no description I GAME ST CH MO
aas_showPath "0" int no description I GAME ST CH MO
aas_showProblemAreas "0" int no description I GAME ST CH MO
aas_showPushIntoArea "0" bool no description B GAME ST CH MO
aas_showRevReach "0" int no description I GAME ST CH MO
aas_showWallEdges "0" bool no description B GAME ST CH MO
aas_test "0" int no description I GAME ST CH MO
af_contactFrictionScale "0" float scales the contact friction F GAME ST CH MO
af_forceFriction "-1" float force the given friction value F GAME ST CH MO
af_highlightBody "" string name of the body to highlight S GAME ST CH MO
af_highlightConstraint "" string name of the constraint to highlight S GAME ST CH MO
af_jointFrictionScale "0" float scales the joint friction F GAME ST CH MO
af_maxAngularVelocity "1.57" float maximum angular velocity F GAME ST CH MO
af_maxLinearVelocity "128" float maximum linear velocity F GAME ST CH MO
af_showActive "0" bool show tree-like structures of articulated figures not at rest B GAME ST CH MO
af_showBodies "0" bool show bodies B GAME ST CH MO
af_showBodyNames "0" bool show body names B GAME ST CH MO
af_showConstrainedBodies "0" bool show the two bodies contrained by the highlighted constraint B GAME ST CH MO
af_showConstraintNames "0" bool show constraint names B GAME ST CH MO
af_showConstraints "0" bool show constraints B GAME ST CH MO
af_showInertia "0" bool show the inertia tensor of each body B GAME ST CH MO
af_showLimits "0" bool show joint limits B GAME ST CH MO
af_showMass "0" bool show the mass of each body B GAME ST CH MO
af_showPrimaryOnly "0" bool show primary constraints only B GAME ST CH MO
af_showTimings "0" bool show articulated figure cpu usage B GAME ST CH MO
af_showTotalMass "0" bool show the total mass of each articulated figure B GAME ST CH MO
af_showTrees "0" bool show tree-like structures B GAME ST CH MO
af_showVelocity "0" bool show the velocity of each body B GAME ST CH MO
af_skipFriction "0" bool skip friction B GAME ST CH MO
af_skipLimits "0" bool skip joint limits B GAME ST CH MO
af_skipSelfCollision "0" bool skip self collision detection B GAME ST CH MO
af_testSolid "1" bool test for bodies initially stuck in solid B GAME ST CH MO
af_timeScale "1" float scales the time F GAME ST CH MO
af_useImpulseFriction "0" bool use impulse based contact friction B GAME ST CH MO
af_useJointImpulseFriction "0" bool use impulse based joint friction B GAME ST CH MO
af_useLinearTime "1" bool use linear time algorithm for tree-like structures B GAME ST CH MO
af_useSymmetry "1" bool use constraint matrix symmetry B GAME ST CH MO
ai_allowOldAAS "0" bool allows AI to use most recent AAS file, even if it is not up-to-date. Enable only for testing. B GAME ST CH MO
ai_allowTacticalRush "1" bool allows tactical ai to rush an enemy when hurt B GAME ST CH MO
ai_animShow "0" bool no description B GAME ST CH MO
ai_blockedFailSafe "1" bool enable blocked fail safe handling B GAME ST CH MO
ai_debugEyeFocus "0" bool draws eye focus info B GAME ST CH MO
ai_debugFilterString "" string see ai_debugFilter S GAME ST CH MO
ai_debugHelpers "0" string draws ai helpers S GAME ST CH MO
ai_debugMove "0" bool draws movement information for monsters B GAME ST CH MO
ai_debugScript "-1" int displays script calls for the specified monster entity number I GAME ST CH MO
ai_debugSquad "0" bool draws squad info for allies B GAME ST CH MO
ai_debugStealth "0" int draws suspicion info for enemies I GAME ST CH MO
ai_debugTactical "0" string draws tactical information for monsters S GAME ST CH MO
ai_debugTrajectory "0" bool draws trajectory tests for monsters B GAME ST CH MO
ai_disableAttacks "0" bool disables attack decisions B GAME ST CH MO
ai_disableCover "0" bool disables AI using cover points B GAME ST CH MO
ai_disableEntTactical "0" bool disables tactical points around entities B GAME ST CH MO
ai_disableSimpleThink "0" bool disables simple thinking in AI entities B GAME ST CH MO
ai_freeze "0" bool no description B GAME ST CH MO
ai_playerPushAlways "1" bool always allow player to push buddies, unless scripted B GAME ST CH MO
ai_showCombatNodes "0" bool draws attack cones for monsters B GAME ST CH MO
ai_showCover "0" int no description I GAME ST CH MO
ai_showObstacleAvoidance "0" int [0, 2] draws obstacle avoidance information for monsters. if 2, draws obstacles for player, as well I GAME ST CH MO
ai_showPaths "0" bool draws path_* entities B GAME ST CH MO
ai_showTacticalFeatures "0" int no description I GAME ST CH MO
ai_speeds "0" bool no description B GAME ST CH MO
ai_testPredictPath "0" bool no description B GAME ST CH MO
ai_useRVMasterMove "0" bool changes AI to use new master move function B GAME ST CH MO
autolabel "" string no description S TOOL CH MO
bse_debris "1" bool disable effect debris B ST CH MO
bse_debug "0" int display debug info about effect I ST CH MO
bse_enabled "1" bool set to false to disable all effects B ST CH MO
bse_maxParticles "2048" int max number of particles allowed per segment I ST CH MO
bse_physics "1" bool disable effect physics B ST CH MO
bse_rateCost "1.0" float rate cost multiplier for spawned effects F ST AR MO
bse_rateLimit "1.0" float rate limit for spawned effects F ST AR MO
bse_render "1" bool disable effect rendering B ST CH MO
bse_scale "1" float effect scalability amount F ST CH MO
bse_showBounds "0" int display debug bounding boxes effect I ST CH MO
bse_singleEffect "" string set to the name of the effect that is only played S ST CH MO
bsp_menuitem0 "bsp" string no description S TOOL CH MO
bsp_menuitem1 "bsp noflood" string no description S TOOL CH MO
bsp_menuitem10 "bsp -aasonly 48" string no description S TOOL CH MO
bsp_menuitem11 "bsp -aasonly 96" string no description S TOOL CH MO
bsp_menuitem12 "bsp -aasonly 250" string no description S TOOL CH MO
bsp_menuitem13 "bsp -aasonly ALL" string no description S TOOL CH MO
bsp_menuitem2 "bsp shadowOpt 2" string no description S TOOL CH MO
bsp_menuitem3 "bsp -noaas" string no description S TOOL CH MO
bsp_menuitem4 "separator" string no description S TOOL CH MO
bsp_menuitem5 "bsp copy game" string no description S TOOL CH MO
bsp_menuitem6 "bsp copy game -noaas" string no description S TOOL CH MO
bsp_menuitem7 "bsp shadowOpt 2 copy game" string no description S TOOL CH MO
bsp_menuitem8 "separator" string no description S TOOL CH MO
bsp_menuitem9 "bsp -aasonly 32" string no description S TOOL CH MO
cl_punkbuster "0" bool is client side PunkBuster enabled? B UI ST AR MO
cl_showEntityInfo "0" bool no description B GAME ST CH MO
cm_backFaceCull "0" bool cull back facing polygons B GAME ST CH MO
cm_debugCollision "0" bool debug the collision detection B GAME ST CH MO
cm_debugRotation "1" bool debug rotation failure B GAME ST CH MO
cm_debugSetParms "1" bool debug set parameters B GAME ST CH MO
cm_debugTranslation "1" bool debug translation failure B GAME ST CH MO
cm_drawColor "1 0 0 .5" string color used to draw the collision models S GAME ST CH MO
cm_drawFilled "0" bool draw filled polygons B GAME ST CH MO
cm_drawIndexScale "0.02" float scale of primitive indices F GAME ST CH MO
cm_drawIndices "0" bool draw primitive indices B GAME ST CH MO
cm_drawInternal "1" bool draw internal edges green B GAME ST CH MO
cm_drawMask "none" string [none, solid, opaque, water, playerclip, monsterclip, moveableclip, ikclip, blood, body, corpse, trigger, aas_solid, aas_obstacle, flashlight_trigger, sightClip, largeShotClip, solid, notacticalfeatures, vehicleclip, flyclip, shotClip, itemclip] collision mask S GAME ST CH MO
cm_drawNormals "0" float draw polygon and edge normals F GAME ST CH MO
cm_testAngle "60" float no description F GAME ST CH MO
cm_testBox "-16 -16 0 16 16 64" string no description S GAME ST CH MO
cm_testBoxRotation "0 0 0" string no description S GAME ST CH MO
cm_testCollision "0" bool no description B GAME ST CH MO
cm_testLength "1024" float no description F GAME ST CH MO
cm_testModel "0" int no description I GAME ST CH MO
cm_testOrigin "0 0 0" string no description S GAME ST CH MO
cm_testRadius "64" float no description F GAME ST CH MO
cm_testRandomMany "0" bool no description B GAME ST CH MO
cm_testReset "0" bool no description B GAME ST CH MO
cm_testRotation "1" bool no description B GAME ST CH MO
cm_testTimes "1000" int no description I GAME ST CH MO
cm_testTranslation "1" bool no description B GAME ST CH MO
cm_testWalk "1" bool no description B GAME ST CH MO
com_allowBadSavegameVersion "0" bool For debugging purposes only - so you can attempt to load savegames from a different version - data may not match, may crash game B SYS ST CH MO
com_allowConsole "0" bool allow toggling console with the tilde key B SYS ST MO
com_asyncSound "1" int [0, 1] 0: mix sound inline, 1: memory mapped async mix, 2: callback mixing, 3: write async mix I SYS ST CH MO
com_aviDemoHeight "256" string no description S SYS ST CH MO
com_aviDemoSamples "16" string no description S SYS ST CH MO
com_aviDemoTics "2" int [1, 60] no description I SYS ST CH MO
com_aviDemoWidth "256" string no description S SYS ST CH MO
com_BinaryRead "0" bool read binary lexed files B SYS ST MO
com_BinaryWrite "0" int write binary lexed files, 0 = no write, 1 = native write, 2 = byte swapped write I SYS ST MO
com_Bundler "0" string Prepare an XML format Resource Definition File for Xenon Bundler S SYS ST CH MO
com_compressDemos "1" int Compression scheme for demo files 0: None (Fast, large files) 1: LZW (Fast to compress, Fast to decompress, medium/small files) 2: LZSS (Slow to compress, Fast to decompress, small files) 3: Huffman (Fast to compress, Slow to decompress, medium files) See also: The 'CompressDemo' command I SYS ST AR MO
com_cpuSpeed "1.83" string holds processor speed in GHz S SYS ST IN MO
com_fixedTic "0" int [0, 10] no description I SYS ST CH MO
com_forceGenericSIMD "0" bool force generic platform independent SIMD B SYS ST
com_guid "" string no description S SYS ST RO AR MO
com_journal "0" string 1 = record journal, 2 = play back journal S SYS ST IN MO
com_lastQuicksave "Quick0" string no description S ST AR MO
com_Limits "0" string show engine limits S SYS ST MO
com_logDemos "0" bool Write demo.log with debug information in it B SYS ST CH MO
com_logMPStats "0" bool Enabled writing of Multiplayer statistics at the end of a match. Will write to StatisticsLog.txt B SYS ST MO
com_machineSpec "-1" int hardware classification, -1 = not detected, 0 = low quality, 1 = medium quality, 2 = high quality, 3 = ultra quality I SYS ST AR MO
com_MakeLoadScreens "0" string generate rdf's for xenon load screens S SYS ST CH MO
com_makingBuild "0" bool 1 when making a build B SYS ST CH MO
com_memoryMarker "-1" int used as a marker for memory stats I SYS ST IN MO
com_minTics "1" string no description S SYS ST CH MO
com_preciseTic "1" bool run one game tick every async thread update B SYS ST CH MO
com_preloadDemos "0" bool Load the whole demo in to RAM before running it B SYS ST AR MO
com_purgeAll "0" bool purge everything between level loads B SYS ST AR MO
com_QuickLoad "0" string load the game without loading textures and or sounds, 1 = no textures and sounds, 2 = no textures, 3 = no sounds S SYS ST CH MO
com_showAngles "0" bool no description B SYS ST CH MO
com_showAsyncStats "0" bool show async network stats B SYS ST MO
com_showDemo "0" bool no description B SYS ST CH MO
com_showFPS "0" int show frames rendered per second I SYS ST AR MO
com_showMemAllocTags "0" bool show Mem_Alloc tag statistics -- Debug Only. B SYS ST MO
com_showMemoryUsage "0" bool show total and per frame memory usage B SYS ST MO
com_showSoundDecoders "0" bool show sound decoders B SYS ST MO
com_showTics "0" bool no description B SYS ST CH MO
com_SingleDeclFile "0" bool read a single file with only necessary decls B SYS ST MO
com_skipGameDraw "0" bool no description B SYS ST CH MO
com_skipLevelLoadPause "0" bool no description B ST AR MO
com_skipRenderer "0" bool skip the renderer completely B SYS ST CH MO
com_speeds "0" bool show engine timings B SYS ST MO
com_syncGameFrame "0" bool run one game frame for every rendered frame B SYS ST CH MO
com_systemRam "512" int holds number of megs of system memory I SYS ST IN MO
com_timestampPrints "0" string print time with each console print, 1 = msec 2 = sec S SYS ST CH MO
com_uniqueWarnings "0" bool activate to allow individual warnings to print only once per level load. B SYS ST CH MO
com_updateLoadSize "0" bool update the load size after loading a map B SYS ST MO
com_videoRam "128" int holds the last amount of detected video ram I SYS ST IN AR MO
com_wipeSeconds "1" string no description S SYS ST CH MO
com_WriteSingleDeclFile "0" bool write a single file with only necessary decls B SYS ST MO
con_noPrint "1" bool print on the console but not onscreen when console is pulled up B SYS ST MO
con_notifyTime "3" string time messages are displayed onscreen when console is pulled up S SYS ST CH MO
con_speed "3" string speed at which the console moves up and down S SYS ST CH MO
decl_show "0" string set to 1 to print parses, 2 to also print references S SYS ST CH MO
demo_debug "0" bool debug demo replay system B SYS ST MO
demo_enforceFS "0" bool enforce filesystem pureness before playing back a demo B SYS ST AR MO
demo_scale "1.0" float [0.01, 100] speed scaling of demo replays F SYS ST MO
developer "0" bool no description B SYS ST MO
EntityPlacement "2C000000 00000000 01000000 FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF 9A010000 88010000 75030000" string no description S TOOL CH MO
fas_blendBias "1.5" string multiplier to the per phoneme blend time S ST CH MO
fas_debug "0" int debug info for facial animation system I ST CH MO
fas_intensityBias "0" int bias applied to the intensity of the phoneme when trying to extract the viseme I ST CH MO
fas_threshhold0 "60" int intensity required to use frame set 0 I ST CH MO
fas_threshhold1 "30" int intensity required to use frame set 1 I ST CH MO
fas_timeOffset "50" int ms offset to the viseme frame I ST CH MO
fs_basepath "D:/Jeux/Quake 4" string no description S SYS ST IN MO
fs_caseSensitiveOS "0" bool no description B SYS ST CH MO
fs_cdpath "" string no description S SYS ST IN MO
fs_copyfiles "0" int [0, 4] no description I SYS ST IN MO
fs_debug "0" int [0, 2] no description I SYS ST CH MO
fs_devpath "D:/Jeux/Quake 4" string no description S SYS ST IN MO
fs_game "" string mod path S SYS SI ST IN MO
fs_game_base "" string alternate mod path, searched after the main fs_game path, before the basedir S SYS SI ST IN MO
fs_importpath "" string rjohnson:fixme S SYS ST CH MO
fs_mapPaks "0" bool Use level paks. Only checks pak with the same name as the map B SYS ST CH MO
fs_restrict "0" bool no description B SYS ST IN MO
fs_savepath "D:/Jeux/Quake 4" string no description S SYS ST IN MO
fs_searchAddons "0" bool search all addon pk4s ( disables addon functionality ) B SYS ST CH MO
g_allowVehicleGunOverheat "1" bool allows disabling the gun overheating mechanism for vehicles that use it. B GAME ST CH MO
g_announcerDelay "1000" string no more than one announcer sound will be played in this many ms S SND ST AR MO
g_armorProtection "0.66667" float armor takes this percentage of damage F GAME ST AR MO
g_armorProtectionMP "0.66667" float armor takes this percentage of damage in mp F GAME ST AR MO
g_blobSize "1" float no description F GAME ST CH MO
g_blobTime "1" float no description F GAME ST CH MO
g_brassTime "1" float amount of time brass should stay in the world before dissapearing, set to 0 to disable brass F GAME ST AR MO
g_cinematic "1" bool skips updating entities that aren't marked 'cinematic' '1' during cinematics B GAME ST CH MO
g_cinematicMaxSkipTime "600" float [0, 3600] # of seconds to allow game to run when skipping cinematic. prevents lock-up when cinematic doesn't end. F GAME ST CH MO
g_crosshairCharInfoFar "1" bool instead of a green crosshair from far away, full character info always draws B GAME ST CH MO
g_crosshairColor "1 1 1 1" string sets the combat crosshair color S GAME ST AR MO
g_crosshairCustom "0" string sets the custom combat crosshair S GAME ST AR MO
g_crosshairCustomFile "gfx/guis/crosshairs/crosshair_blaster.tga" string stores the custom crosshair's filename S GAME ST AR MO
g_crosshairSize "32" int [16, 48] crosshair size: 16,24,32,40,48 I GAME ST AR MO
g_currentPlayback "" string name of playback shown by g_showPlayback S GAME ST CH MO
g_debugAnim "-1" int displays information on which animations are playing on the specified entity number. set to -1 to disable. I GAME ST CH MO
g_debugBounds "0" bool checks for models with bounds > 2048 B GAME ST CH MO
g_debugCinematic "0" string set to the name of the state you want to debug or * for all S GAME ST CH MO
g_debugDamage "0" bool no description B GAME ST CH MO
g_debugMove "0" bool no description B GAME ST CH MO
g_debugMover "0" bool no description B GAME ST CH MO
g_debugScript "0" bool no description B GAME ST CH MO
g_debugState "0" string no description S GAME ST CH MO
g_debugTriggers "0" bool no description B GAME ST CH MO
g_debugVehicle "0" int no description I GAME ST CH MO
g_debugVehicleAI "0" int enables debug features for the vehicle ai system I GAME ST CH MO
g_debugVehicleDriver "0" int enables debug features for the func_vehicle_driver I GAME ST CH MO
g_debugWeapon "0" bool no description B GAME ST CH MO
g_decals "1" bool show decals such as bullet holes B GAME ST AR MO
g_disasm "0" bool disassemble script into base/script disasm.txt on the local drive when script is compiled B GAME ST CH MO
g_doubleVision "1" bool show double vision when taking damage B GAME ST AR MO
g_dragDamping "0.5" float no description F GAME ST CH MO
g_dragEntity "0" bool allows dragging physics objects around by placing the crosshair over them and holding the fire button B GAME ST CH MO
g_dragShowSelection "0" bool no description B GAME ST CH MO
g_dropItemRotation "" string no description S GAME ST CH MO
g_dvAmplitude "0.001" float no description F GAME ST CH MO
g_dvFrequency "0.5" float no description F GAME ST CH MO
g_dvTime "1" float no description F GAME ST CH MO
g_earthquake "1" string controls earthquake effect S ST CH MO
g_editEntityDistance "512" string range to display entities to edit S GAME ST AR MO
g_editEntityMode "0" int [0, 8] 0 = off, 1 = lights, 2 = sounds, 3 = articulated figures, 4 = particle systems, 5 = monsters, 6 = entity names, 7 = entity models, 8 = effects I GAME ST CH MO
g_editEntityTextDistance "256" string range to display entities to edit text information S GAME ST AR MO
g_exportMask "" string no description S GAME ST CH MO
g_favoritesList "" string Favorites List S ST RO AR MO
g_flushSave "0" bool 1 = don't buffer file writing for save games. B GAME ST CH MO
g_forceUndying "0" bool forces undying state B GAME ST CH MO
g_fov "90" float no description F GAME ST MO
g_frametime "0" bool displays timing information for each game frame B GAME ST CH MO
g_friendsList "" string Friends List S ST RO AR MO
g_gameReviewPause "15" int [2, 3600] scores review time in seconds (at end game) I GAME ST AR MO
g_gravity "1066" float singleplayer gravity F GAME ST CH MO
g_gunPitch "0" float no description F GAME ST CH MO
g_gunRoll "0" float no description F GAME ST CH MO
g_gunViewStyle "0" int style presets : 0 = Q3 style, 1 = Shouldered style I GAME ST AR MO
g_gunX "0" float no description F GAME ST CH MO
g_gunY "0" float no description F GAME ST CH MO
g_gunYaw "0" float no description F GAME ST CH MO
g_gunZ "0" float no description F GAME ST CH MO
g_healthTakeAmt "5" int how much health to take in nightmare mode I GAME ST AR MO
g_healthTakeLimit "25" int how low can health get taken in nightmare mode I GAME ST AR MO
g_healthTakeTime "5" int how often to take health in nightmare mode I GAME ST AR MO
g_keepEntityStats "0" bool keep track of entity usage stats B GAME ST CH MO
g_kickAmplitude "0.0001" float no description F GAME ST CH MO
g_kickTime "1" float no description F GAME ST CH MO
g_knockback "1000" int no description I GAME ST CH MO
g_log "0" bool enables game logging B GAME ST CH MO
g_mapCycle "mapcycle" string map cycling script for multiplayer games - see mapcycle.scriptcfg S GAME ST AR MO
g_maxShowDistance "128" float no description F GAME ST CH MO
g_monsters "1" bool no description B GAME ST CH MO
g_mp_gravity "800" float multiplayer gravity F GAME ST CH MO
g_mpWeaponAngleScale "0" float Control the weapon sway in MP F GAME ST CH MO
g_muzzleFlash "1" bool show muzzle flashes B GAME ST AR MO
g_nightmare "0" bool if nightmare mode is allowed B GAME ST AR MO
g_password "" string game password S GAME ST AR MO
g_perfTest_aiNoDodge "0" bool ai attempts no dodging B GAME ST CH MO
g_perfTest_aiNoObstacleAvoid "0" bool ai does not attempt obstacle avoidance B GAME ST CH MO
g_perfTest_aiNoRagdoll "0" bool ai does not ragdoll B GAME ST CH MO
g_perfTest_aiNoVisTrace "0" bool ai does no vis traces B GAME ST CH MO
g_perfTest_aiStationary "0" bool ai attempts no combat movement B GAME ST CH MO
g_perfTest_aiUndying "0" bool makes all AI undying B GAME ST CH MO
g_perfTest_hitscanBBox "0" bool all hitscans vs bbox, not rendermodel B GAME ST CH MO
g_perfTest_hitscanShort "0" bool all hitscans capped at 2048 B GAME ST CH MO
g_perfTest_noJointTransform "0" bool all joint transforms return origin B GAME ST CH MO
g_perfTest_noPlayerFocus "0" bool doesn't do player focus traces/logic B GAME ST CH MO
g_perfTest_noProjectiles "0" bool all projectiles are removed instantly B GAME ST CH MO
g_perfTest_weaponNoFX "0" bool no muzzle flash, brass eject, muzzle fx, tracers, impact fx, blood decals or blood splats (whew!) B GAME ST CH MO
g_playPlayback "0" int plays the current playback in a camera path I GAME ST MO
g_projectileLights "1" bool show dynamic lights on projectiles B GAME ST AR MO
g_recordPlayback "0" int record the player movement in a playback I GAME ST MO
g_showActiveEntities "0" bool draws boxes around thinking entities. dormant entities (outside of pvs) are drawn yellow. non-dormant are green. B GAME ST CH MO
g_showAreaClipSectors "0" float no description F GAME ST CH MO
g_showcamerainfo "0" string displays the current frame # for the camera when playing cinematics S GAME ST AR MO
g_showClipSectorFilter "0" string no description S GAME ST CH MO
g_showClipSectors "0" bool no description B GAME ST CH MO
g_showCollisionModels "0" int 0 = off, 1 = draw collision models, 2 = only draw player collision models. g_maxShowDistance controls distance. I GAME ST CH MO
g_showCollisionTraces "0" int [0, 2] no description I GAME ST CH MO
g_showCollisionWorld "0" bool no description B GAME ST CH MO
g_showDebugHud "0" int displays the debug hud : 0 = off, 1 = player, 2 = physics, 3 = AI, 4 = vehicle, 5 = performance, 6 = effects, 7 = map information, 8 = AI performance, 9 = MP, 10 = Sound, 32 = scratch I GAME ST CH MO
g_showEnemies "0" bool draws boxes around monsters that have targeted the the player B GAME ST CH MO
g_showEntityInfo "0" bool no description B GAME ST CH MO
g_showFrameCmds "0" bool displays frame commands as they are executed B GAME ST CH MO
g_showGodDamage "0" bool displays the amount of damage taken while in god mode on the hud B GAME ST CH MO
g_showHud "1" bool no description B GAME ST AR MO
g_showHudPopups "0" bool displays objective and database popups on the hud B GAME ST AR MO
g_showPlayback "0" int show g_currentPlayback I GAME ST CH MO
g_showPlayerShadow "0" bool enables shadow of player model B GAME ST AR MO
g_showProjectilePct "0" bool enables display of player hit percentage B GAME ST AR MO
g_showPVS "0" int [0, 2] no description I GAME ST CH MO
g_showRange "0" bool shows the range from the player to the first collision under the players crosshair B GAME ST CH MO
g_showTargets "0" bool draws entities and thier targets. hidden entities are drawn grey. B GAME ST CH MO
g_showTestModelFrame "0" bool displays the current animation and frame # for testmodels B GAME ST CH MO
g_showTriggers "0" bool draws trigger entities (orange) and thier targets (green). disabled triggers are drawn grey. B GAME ST CH MO
g_showviewpos "0" bool no description B GAME ST CH MO
g_skill "1" int [0, 3] difficulty level I GAME ST CH MO
g_skipFX "0" bool no description B GAME ST CH MO
g_skipItemShadowsMP "0" bool disables all item shadows in multiplayer B GAME ST AR MO
g_skipParticles "0" bool no description B GAME ST CH MO
g_skipPlayerShadowsMP "0" bool disables all player shadows in multiplayer B GAME ST AR MO
g_skipViewEffects "0" bool skip damage and other view effects B GAME ST CH MO
g_spectatorChat "0" bool let spectators talk to everyone during game B GAME ST AR MO
g_stopTime "0" bool no description B GAME ST CH MO
g_testCTF "0" bool no description B GAME ST CH MO
g_testDeath "0" bool no description B GAME ST CH MO
g_testHealthVision "0" float no description F GAME ST CH MO
g_testModelAnimate "0" int [0, 5] test model animation, 0 = cycle anim with origin reset, 1 = cycle anim with fixed origin, 2 = cycle anim with continuous origin, 3 = frame by frame with continuous origin, 4 = play anim once, 5 = frame by frame with fixed origin I GAME ST CH MO
g_testModelBlend "0" int number of frames to blend I GAME ST CH MO
g_testModelRotate "0" string test model rotation speed S GAME ST CH MO
g_testPlayer "" string test player classname S GAME ST CH MO
g_testPostProcess "" string name of material to draw over screen S GAME ST CH MO
g_testScoreboard "0" int number of clients to test in the scoreboard gui I GAME ST CH MO
g_timeEntities "0" float when non-zero, shows entities whose think functions exceeded the # of milliseconds specified F GAME ST CH MO
g_useDynamicProtection "1" bool scale damage and armor dynamically to keep the player alive more often B GAME ST AR MO
g_vehicleForce "50000" float no description F GAME ST CH MO
g_vehicleMode "1" int enables the new vehicle control system for the GEV. I GAME ST CH MO
g_vehicleVelocity "1000" float no description F GAME ST CH MO
g_version "Quake4 Final 1.0.1283-release win-x86 Sep 23 2005 00:01:45" string game version S GAME ST RO MO
g_viewNodalX "0" float no description F GAME ST CH MO
g_viewNodalZ "0" float no description F GAME ST CH MO
g_voteFlags "0" int vote flags. bit mask of votes not allowed on this server : bit 0 (+1) restart now, bit 1 (+2) time limit, bit 2 (+4) frag limit, bit 3 (+8) game type, bit 4 (+16) kick player, bit 5 (+32) change map, bit 6 (+64) spectators, bit 7 (+128) next map I GAME ST AR MO
gamedate "Sep 23 2005" string no description S GAME ST RO MO
gamename "baseQUAKE4-1" string no description S GAME SI ST RO MO
gui_configServerRate "0" int no description I GUI ST RO AR MO
gui_debug "0" bool no description B GUI ST CH MO
gui_debugScript "0" bool no description B GUI ST CH MO
gui_edit "0" bool no description B GUI ST CH MO
gui_mediumFontLimit "0.60" string no description S GUI ST AR MO
gui_smallFontLimit "0.30" string no description S GUI ST AR MO
gui_ui_name "Player" string copy-over cvar for ui_name S GAME ST MO
ik_debug "0" bool show IK debug lines B GAME ST CH MO
ik_enable "1" bool enable IK B GAME ST CH MO
image_anisotropy "1" string set the maximum texture anisotropy if available S RNDR ST AR
image_cacheMegs "100" string maximum MB full-sized precompressed images to keep in memory S RNDR ST AR MO
image_cacheMinK "30" int Minimum KB of precompressed files to defer I RNDR ST AR MO
image_colorMipLevels "0" bool development aid to see texture mip usage B RNDR ST CH MO
image_dontUsePrecompressedSkyboxesForCGW "0" bool temp hack in case B ST CH MO
image_downSize "0" string controls texture downsampling S RNDR ST AR MO
image_downSizeBump "0" string controls normal map downsampling S RNDR ST AR MO
image_downSizeBumpLimit "0" string controls normal map downsample limit (0 = 64) S RNDR ST AR MO
image_downSizeLimit "0" string controls diffuse map downsample limit (0 = 64) S RNDR ST AR MO
image_downSizeSpecular "0" string controls specular downsampling S RNDR ST AR MO
image_downSizeSpecularLimit "0" string controls specular downsampled limit (0 = 64) S RNDR ST AR MO
image_ignoreHighQuality "0" string ignore high quality setting on materials S RNDR ST AR MO
image_lodbias "0" string change lod bias on mipmapped images S RNDR ST AR
image_preload "1" bool if 0, wait until level end to load images B RNDR ST CH MO
image_showBackgroundLoads "0" bool 1 = print number of outstanding background loads B RNDR ST CH MO
image_useAllFormats "1" bool allow alpha/intensity/luminance luminance+alpha B RNDR ST AR MO
image_useCache "0" bool 1 = do background load image caching B RNDR ST AR MO
image_useCompression "1" bool 0 = force everything to high quality B RNDR ST AR MO
image_useNormalCompression "2" int 2 = use rxgb compression for normal maps, 1 = use 256 color compression for normal maps if available I RNDR ST AR MO
image_useNormalCompressionLoadDDSForPal "1" int 1 = load dds files, and deswizzle them (only relevant for image_useNormalCompression = 1) I RNDR ST AR MO
image_useOfflineCompression "0" bool write a batch file for offline compression of DDS files B RNDR ST CH MO
image_usePrecompressedTextures "1" int use .dds files if present I RNDR ST AR MO
image_writeNormalTGA "0" bool write .tgas of the final normal maps for debugging B RNDR ST CH MO
image_writePrecompressedTextures "0" bool write .dds files if necessary B RNDR ST CH MO
image_writeProgramImages "0" bool copy program targas to compression directory B RNDR ST CH MO
image_writeTGA "0" bool write .tgas of the non normal maps for debugging B RNDR ST CH MO
in_alwaysRun "1" bool always run (reverse _speed button) B SYS ST AR MO
in_anglespeedkey "1.5" float angle change scale when holding down _speed button F SYS ST AR MO
in_freeLook "1" bool look around with mouse (reverse _mlook button) B SYS ST AR MO
in_joystick "0" bool enable joystick input B SYS ST MO
in_joystickLeftStickMove "1" bool left or right joystick controls move B SYS ST AR MO
in_mouse "1" bool enable mouse input B SYS ST CH
in_pitchspeed "140" float pitch change speed when holding down look _lookUp or _lookDown button F SYS ST AR MO
in_toggleCrouch "0" bool pressing _movedown button toggles player crouching/standing B SYS ST AR MO
in_toggleRun "0" bool pressing _speed button toggles run on/off - only in MP B SYS ST AR MO
in_toggleZoom "0" bool pressing _zoom button toggles zoom on/off B SYS ST AR MO
in_yawspeed "140" float yaw change speed when holding down _left or _right button F SYS ST AR MO
lcp_showFailures "0" bool show LCP solver failures B SYS ST CH MO
logFile "0" string 1 = buffer log, 2 = flush after each print S SYS ST MO
logFileName "qconsole.log" string name of log file, if empty, qconsole.log will be used S SYS ST MO
m_maxInput "0" string caps the amount of mouse movement possible S ST CH MO
m_pitch "0.022" float mouse pitch scale F SYS ST AR MO
m_showMouseRate "0" bool shows mouse movement B SYS ST CH MO
m_smooth "1" int [1, 8] number of samples blended for mouse viewing I SYS ST AR MO
m_strafeScale "6.25" float mouse strafe movement scale F SYS ST AR MO
m_strafeSmooth "4" int [1, 8] number of samples blended for mouse moving I SYS ST AR MO
m_yaw "0.022" float mouse yaw scale F SYS ST AR MO
mat_useHitMaterials "1" bool 1 = use preprocessed hit image files B RNDR ST CH MO
mat_writeHitMaterials "0" bool 1 = write preprocessed hit image data to file. B RNDR ST CH MO
net_allowCheats "0" bool Allow cheats in network game B SYS ST MO
net_challengeLimit "15" int Limit the number of challenges sent to a server before giving up. I SYS ST CH MO
net_channelShowDrop "0" bool show dropped packets B SYS ST CH MO
net_channelShowPackets "0" bool show all packets B SYS ST CH MO
net_clientDownload "1" int client pk4 downloads policy: 0 - never, 1 - ask, 2 - always (will still prompt for binary code) I SYS ST AR MO
net_clientLagOMeter "0" bool draw prediction graph B GAME ST AR MO
net_clientMaxPrediction "1000" int maximum number of milliseconds a client can predict ahead of server. I SYS ST MO
net_clientMaxRate "16000" int maximum rate requested by client from server in bytes/sec I SYS ST AR MO
net_clientPredictGUI "1" bool test guis in networking without prediction B GAME ST CH MO
net_clientPrediction "10" int additional client side prediction in milliseconds I SYS ST MO
net_clientRemoteConsoleAddress "localhost" string remote console address S SYS ST MO
net_clientRemoteConsolePassword "" string remote console password S SYS ST MO
net_clientServerTimeout "60" int server time out in seconds I SYS ST MO
net_clientShowSnapshot "0" int [0, 3] no description I GAME ST CH MO
net_clientShowSnapshotRadius "128" float no description F GAME ST CH MO
net_clientUsercmdBackup "2" int number of usercmds to resend I SYS ST MO
net_debugClient "0" int Show client networking information. 1: light, 2: verbose I SYS ST MO
net_debugFrameTime "0" bool Logs frame time information B SYS ST MO
net_debugPlayerCount "0" int Current count by Think() of players in session I SYS ST MO
net_debugStartLevel "0" bool Forces a new frame time log B SYS ST MO
net_debugTraffic "0" bool Dumps network bandwidth usage B SYS ST MO
net_forceDrop "0" int percentage packet loss I SYS ST CH MO
net_forceInternet "0" bool Forces a server to consider all clients as net clients B SYS ST CH MO
net_forceLatency "0" int milliseconds latency I SYS ST CH MO
net_ip "localhost" string local IP address S SYS ST MO
net_LANServer "0" bool config LAN games only - affects clients and servers B SYS ST AR MO
net_master0 "" string idnet master server address S SYS ST RO
net_master1 "" string 1st master server address S SYS ST AR MO
net_master2 "" string 2nd master server address S SYS ST AR MO
net_master3 "" string 3rd master server address S SYS ST AR MO
net_master4 "" string 4th master server address S SYS ST AR MO
net_menuLANServer "0" bool menu cvar for config of lan servers B SYS ST AR MO
net_port "0" int local IP port number I SYS ST MO
net_predictionErrorDecay "112" float [0, 200] time in milliseconds it takes to fade away prediction errors F GAME ST MO
net_serverAllowServerMod "0" bool allow server-side mods B SYS ST AR MO
net_serverClientTimeout "60" int client time out in seconds I SYS ST MO
net_serverDedicated "0" int [0, 2] 1 = text console dedicated server, 2 = graphical dedicated server I SYS SI ST MO
net_serverDrawClient "-1" int number of client for which to draw view on server I SYS ST CH MO
net_serverMaxClientRate "10000" int maximum rate to each client in bytes/sec. For Internet servers this value is calculated on the go for optimal results. I SYS ST AR MO
net_serverMaxUsercmdRelay "5" int [1, 10] maximum number of usercmds from other clients the server relays to a client I SYS ST MO
net_serverMenuDedicated "0" int no description I SYS ST AR MO
net_serverReloadEngine "0" int perform a full reload on next map restart (including flushing referenced pak files) - decreased if > 0 I SYS ST MO
net_serverRemoteConsolePassword "" string remote console password S SYS ST MO
net_serverRunning "0" bool no description B SYS ST MO
net_serverSnapshotDelay "80" int delay between snapshots in milliseconds I SYS ST MO
net_serverZombieTimeout "5" int disconnected client timeout in seconds I SYS ST MO
net_showPredictionError "-1" int [-1, 32] show prediction errors for the given client I GAME ST MO
net_socksEnabled "0" bool no description B SYS ST AR MO
net_socksPassword "" string no description S SYS ST AR MO
net_socksPort "1080" int no description I SYS ST AR MO
net_socksServer "" string no description S SYS ST AR MO
net_socksUsername "" string no description S SYS ST AR MO
net_verbose "0" int [0, 2] 1 = verbose output, 2 = even more verbose output I SYS ST MO
password "" string client password used when connecting S GAME ST MO
pm_acceloverride "0" float Adjust the player acceleration. F GAME ST CH MO
pm_air "1800" int how long in milliseconds the player can go without air before he starts taking damage I GAME ST MO
pm_bboxwidth "32" float x/y size of player's bounding box F GAME ST MO
pm_bobpitch "0.002" float no description F GAME ST MO
pm_bobroll "0.002" float no description F GAME ST MO
pm_bobup "0.005" float no description F GAME ST MO
pm_crouchbob "0.5" float bob much faster when crouched F GAME ST MO
pm_crouchheight "49" float height of player's bounding box while crouched F GAME ST MO
pm_crouchrate "0.87" float time it takes for player's view to change from standing to crouching F GAME ST MO
pm_crouchspeed "80" float speed the player can move while crouched F GAME ST MO
pm_crouchviewheight "32" float height of player's view while crouched F GAME ST MO
pm_deadheight "20" float height of player's bounding box while dead F GAME ST MO
pm_deadviewheight "10" float height of player's view while dead F GAME ST MO
pm_forcespectatormove "0" float Force the player to move like a spectator (fly). F GAME ST CH MO
pm_frictionoverride "-1" float Adjust the player friciton. F GAME ST CH MO
pm_jumpheight "48" float approximate hieght the player can jump F GAME ST MO
pm_maxviewpitch "89" float amount player's view can look down F GAME ST MO
pm_minviewpitch "-89" float amount player's view can look up (negative values are up) F GAME ST MO
pm_modelView "0" int [0, 2] draws camera from POV of player model (1 = always, 2 = when dead) I GAME ST MO
pm_noclipspeed "270" float speed the player can move while in noclip F GAME ST MO
pm_normalheight "77" float height of player's bounding box while standing F GAME ST MO
pm_normalviewheight "68" float height of player's view while standing F GAME ST MO
pm_runbob "0.4" float bob faster when running F GAME ST MO
pm_runpitch "0.002" float no description F GAME ST MO
pm_runroll "0.005" float no description F GAME ST MO
pm_spectatebbox "32" float size of the spectator bounding box F GAME ST MO
pm_spectatespeed "450" float speed the player can move while spectating F GAME ST MO
pm_speed "160" float speed the player can move while running F GAME ST MO
pm_stamina "24" float length of time player can run F GAME ST MO
pm_staminarate "0.75" float rate that player regains stamina. divide pm_stamina by this value to determine how long it takes to fully recharge. F GAME ST MO
pm_staminathreshold "45" float when stamina drops below this value, player gradually slows to a walk F GAME ST MO
pm_stepsize "16" float maximum height the player can step up without jumping F GAME ST MO
pm_thirdPerson "0" bool enables third person view B GAME ST CH MO
pm_thirdPersonAngle "0" float direction of camera from player in 3rd person in degrees (0 = behind player, 180 = in front) F GAME ST CH MO
pm_thirdPersonClip "1" bool clip third person view into world space B GAME ST CH MO
pm_thirdPersonDeath "0" bool enables third person view when player dies B GAME ST CH MO
pm_thirdPersonHeight "0" float height of camera from normal view height in 3rd person F GAME ST CH MO
pm_thirdPersonRange "80" float camera distance from player in 3rd person F GAME ST CH MO
pm_usecylinder "0" bool use a cylinder approximation instead of a bounding box for player collision detection B GAME ST MO
pm_vehicleCameraMinDist "300" float no description F GAME ST AR MO
pm_vehicleCameraScaleMax "300" float no description F GAME ST AR MO
pm_vehicleCameraSnap "1" float no description F GAME ST AR MO
pm_vehicleCameraSpeedScale "0.5" float no description F GAME ST AR MO
pm_vehicleSoundLerpScale "10" float no description F GAME ST AR MO
pm_walkbob "0.3" float bob slowly when walking F GAME ST MO
pm_walkspeed "80" float speed the player can move while walking F GAME ST MO
r_actualRenderer "ARB2" string the actual renderer used S RNDR ST CH MO
r_alphaToCoverage "1" bool use alpha to coverage when multisampling B RNDR ST AR MO
r_aspectRatio "0" int [0, 2] aspect ratio of view: 0 = 4:3, 1 = 16:9, 2 = 16:10 I RNDR ST AR MO
r_brightness "1.2" float [0.5, 2] changes gamma tables F RNDR ST AR
r_checkBounds "0" bool compare all surface bounds with precalculated ones B RNDR ST CH MO
r_clear "2" string force screen clear every frame, 1 = purple, 2 = black, 'r g b' = custom S RNDR ST CH MO
r_convertMD5toMD5R "0" bool converts all MD5 models to MD5Rs as they are loaded B RNDR ST CH MO
r_convertProcToMD5R "0" bool converts all PROC models to MD5Rs as they are loaded B RNDR ST CH MO
r_convertStaticToMD5R "0" bool converts all LWO, ASE and FLT models to MD5Rs as they are loaded B RNDR ST CH MO
r_customHeight "486" int custom screen height. set r_mode to -1 to activate I RNDR ST AR MO
r_customWidth "720" int custom screen width. set r_mode to -1 to activate I RNDR ST AR MO
r_debugArrowStep "120" int [0, 120] step size of arrow cone line rotation in degrees I RNDR ST AR MO
r_debugLineDepthTest "0" bool perform depth test on debug lines B RNDR ST AR MO
r_debugLineWidth "1" bool width of debug lines B RNDR ST AR MO
r_debugPolygonFilled "1" bool draw a filled polygon B RNDR ST CH MO
r_debugRenderToTexture "0" int no description I RNDR ST CH MO
r_debugSphereSubdivision "2" int [2, 5] amount of subdivision for debug spheres - 2 = quick, 4 = spherical I RNDR ST CH MO
r_demonstrateBug "0" bool used during development to show IHV's their problems B RNDR ST CH MO
r_deriveBiTangents "0" bool no description B RNDR ST CH MO
r_displayRefresh "0" int [0, 200] optional display refresh rate option for vid mode I RNDR ST CH MO
r_drawBoundInfo "0" bool Draws corner coords and length dims on bounding boxes B RNDR ST CH MO
r_finish "0" bool force a call to glFinish() every frame B RNDR ST CH MO
r_fixedHorizFOV "0" bool vertical stretch for letterboxed cinematics authored for 4:3 aspect B RNDR ST CH MO
r_flareSize "1" float scale the flare deforms from the material def F RNDR ST CH MO
r_forceConvertMD5R "0" bool forces conversion of MD5s, LWOs, and PROCs to MD5R, obeying r_convert*ToMD5R flags B RNDR ST CH MO
r_forceDiffuseOnly "0" bool forces renderer to skip all but diffuse pass on non-arb2 renderers B RNDR ST CH MO
r_forceLoadImages "0" bool draw all images to screen after registration B RNDR ST AR MO
r_frontBuffer "0" bool draw to front buffer for debugging B RNDR ST CH MO
r_fullscreen "1" bool 0 = windowed, 1 = full screen B RNDR ST AR MO
r_gamma "1" float [0.5, 3] changes gamma tables F RNDR ST AR
r_glDriver "" string "opengl32", etc. S RNDR ST CH MO
r_ignore "0" string used for random debugging without defining new vars S RNDR ST CH MO
r_ignore2 "0" string used for random debugging without defining new vars S RNDR ST CH MO
r_ignoreGLErrors "1" bool ignore GL errors B RNDR ST CH MO
r_inhibitFragmentProgram "0" bool ignore the fragment program extension B RNDR ST CH MO
r_inhibitNativePowerOfTwo "1" bool Ignore the native power of two extension B RNDR ST CH MO
r_jitter "0" bool randomly subpixel jitter the projection matrix B RNDR ST CH MO
r_jointNameOffset "0.5" float offset of joint names when r_showskel is set to 1 F RNDR ST CH MO
r_jointNameScale "0.02" float size of joint names when r_showskel is set to 1 F RNDR ST CH MO
r_lightAllBackFaces "0" bool light all the back faces, even when they would be shadowed B RNDR ST CH MO
r_lightDetailLevel "0" float current light level-of-detail (lights with a detail level that is greater-or-equal are drawn F RNDR ST MO
r_lightScale "2" float all light intensities are multiplied by this F RNDR ST CH MO
r_lightSourceRadius "0" float for soft-shadow sampling F RNDR ST CH MO
r_limitBatchSize "0" int culls batches to the renderer that are of this size or less I RNDR ST CH MO
r_lockSurfaces "0" bool allow moving the view point without changing the composition of the scene, including culling B RNDR ST CH MO
r_lod_animations_coverage "0.05" float How much of the screen an entity must take up in order to be LODed. F RNDR ST CH MO
r_lod_animations_distance "0.0" float The distance to begin LODing animations at. F RNDR ST CH MO
r_lod_animations_wait "0.1" float How much to wait before animating the next frame (in seconds). F RNDR ST CH MO
r_lod_entities "0" bool Whether to use this LOD technique or not. B RNDR ST CH MO
r_lod_entities_percent "0.008" float The percentage of the screen an entity must take up before we stop drawing it (normalizd: 0.0-1.0). F RNDR ST CH MO
r_lod_shadows "0" bool Whether to use this LOD technique or not. B RNDR ST CH MO
r_lod_shadows_percent "0.06" float The percentage of the screen an entity must take up before we stop drawing it's shadow (normalizd: 0.0-1.0). F RNDR ST CH MO
r_materialOverride "" string overrides all materials S RNDR ST CH MO
r_megaTextureLevel "0" int draw only a specific level I RNDR ST CH MO
r_mergeModelSurfaces "1" bool combine model surfaces with the same material B RNDR ST CH MO
r_mode "3" int video mode number I RNDR ST AR MO
r_multiSamples "0" int number of antialiasing samples I RNDR ST AR MO
r_offsetfactor "0" float polygon offset parameter F RNDR ST CH MO
r_offsetunits "-600" float polygon offset parameter F RNDR ST CH MO
r_orderIndexes "1" bool perform index reorganization to optimize vertex use B RNDR ST CH MO
r_penumbraMapDepthBias "3." float bias added to depth value that is written into penumbra map F RNDR ST CH MO
r_portalsDistanceCull "1" bool Allow culling of portals based on distance to viewer B RNDR ST CH MO
r_renderer "best" string [best, arb, arb2, nv10, nv20, r200] hardware specific renderer path to use S RNDR ST AR
r_screenFraction "100" int for testing fill rate, the resolution of the entire screen can be changed I RNDR ST CH MO
r_shadowMapDepthBias ".6" float bias added to depth value that is written into shadow map F RNDR ST CH MO
r_shadowMapSlopeScaleBias "3.2" float normal-dot-view scale added to depth value that is written into shadow map F RNDR ST CH MO
r_shadowPolygonFactor "0" float scale value for stencil shadow drawing F RNDR ST CH MO
r_shadowPolygonOffset "-1" float bias value added to depth test for stencil shadow drawing F RNDR ST CH MO
r_shadows "1" bool enable shadows B RNDR ST AR MO
r_showAlloc "0" bool report alloc/free counts B RNDR ST CH MO
r_showBatchSize "0" int [0, 3] highlighting of draw batches that fall below the desired polygons per draw call (purple really bad, red bad, yellow moderate, green good), 1 = only draw visible ones, 2 = draw all front facing, 3 = draw all I RNDR ST CH MO
r_showCull "0" bool report sphere and box culling stats B RNDR ST CH MO
r_showDebugGraph "0" bool no description B RNDR ST MO
r_showDefs "0" bool report the number of modeDefs and lightDefs in view B RNDR ST CH MO
r_showDemo "0" int report reads and writes to the demo file I RNDR ST CH MO
r_showDepth "0" bool display the contents of the depth buffer and the depth range B RNDR ST CH MO
r_showDominantTri "0" bool draw lines from vertexes to center of dominant triangles B RNDR ST CH MO
r_showDynamic "0" bool report stats on dynamic surface generation B RNDR ST CH MO
r_showEdges "0" bool draw the sil edges B RNDR ST CH MO
r_showEditorImages "0" string renders the editor image rather than the texture S ST CH MO
r_showEntityScissors "0" bool show entity scissor rectangles B RNDR ST CH MO
r_showHitImages "0" string renders the hit material rather than the texture (1-additive,2-replace) S ST CH MO
r_showImages "0" int [0, 2] 1 = show all images instead of rendering, 2 = show in proportional size I RNDR ST CH MO
r_showIntensity "0" bool draw the screen colors based on intensity, red = 0, green = 128, blue = 255 B RNDR ST CH MO
r_showInteractionFrustums "0" int [0, 3] 1 = show a frustum for each interaction, 2 = also draw lines to light origin, 3 = also draw entity bbox I RNDR ST CH MO
r_showInteractions "0" bool report interaction generation activity B RNDR ST CH MO
r_showInteractionScissors "0" int [0, 2] 1 = show screen rectangle which contains the interaction frustum, 2 = also draw construction lines I RNDR ST CH MO
r_showLightCount "0" int [0, 3] 1 = colors surfaces based on light count, 2 = also count everything through walls, 3 = also print overdraw I RNDR ST CH MO
r_showLightPortals "0" int displays lights which cross more than one portal I RNDR ST CH MO
r_showLights "0" int [0, 3] 1 = just print volumes numbers, highlighting ones covering the view, 2 = also draw planes of each volume, 3 = also draw edges of each volume I RNDR ST CH MO
r_showLightScale "0" bool report the scale factor applied to drawing for overbrights B RNDR ST CH MO
r_showLightScissors "0" bool show light scissor rectangles B RNDR ST CH MO
r_showMegaTexture "0" bool display all the level images B RNDR ST CH MO
r_showMegaTextureLabels "0" bool draw colored blocks in each tile B RNDR ST CH MO
r_showMemory "0" bool print frame memory utilization B RNDR ST CH MO
r_showNormals "0" float draws wireframe normals F RNDR ST CH MO
r_showOverDraw "0" int [0, 3] 1 = geometry overdraw, 2 = light interaction overdraw, 3 = geometry and light interaction overdraw I RNDR ST CH MO
r_showOverdrawDivisor "10" string fixme S ST CH MO
r_showOverdrawMax "50" string fixme S ST CH MO
r_showPortals "0" bool draw portal outlines in color based on passed / not passed B RNDR ST CH MO
r_showPrimitives "0" int report drawsurf/index/vertex counts I RNDR ST CH MO
r_showRenderTrace "0" bool report the number of render polys that were trace tested in the current draw frame B RNDR ST CH MO
r_showSafeArea "0" int [0, 1] shows the safe area borders I RNDR ST CH MO
r_showShadowCount "0" int [0, 4] colors screen based on shadow volume depth complexity, >= 2 = print overdraw count based on stencil index values, 3 = only show turboshadows, 4 = only show static shadows I RNDR ST CH MO
r_showShadows "0" int [0, 3] 1 = visualize the stencil shadow volumes, 2 = draw filled in I RNDR ST CH MO
r_showSilhouette "0" bool highlight edges that are casting shadow planes B RNDR ST CH MO
r_showSkel "0" int [0, 3] draw the skeleton when model animates, 1 = draw model with skeleton, 2 = draw skeleton only, 3 = draw joints only I RNDR ST CH MO
r_showSmp "0" bool show which end (front or back) is blocking B RNDR ST CH MO
r_showSurfaceInfo "0" int show surface material name under crosshair I RNDR ST CH MO
r_showSurfaces "0" bool report surface/light/shadow counts B RNDR ST CH MO
r_showTangentSpace "0" int [0, 3] shade triangles by tangent space, 1 = use 1st tangent vector, 2 = use 2nd tangent vector, 3 = use normal vector I RNDR ST CH MO
r_showTexturePolarity "0" bool shade triangles by texture area polarity B RNDR ST CH MO
r_showTextureVectors "0" float if > 0 draw each triangles texture (tangent) vectors F RNDR ST CH MO
r_showTrace "0" int show the intersection of an eye trace with the world I RNDR ST CH MO
r_showTriangleTangents "0" int show the tangents of the triangle the crosshair is over I RNDR ST CH MO
r_showTris "0" int [0, 3] enables wireframe rendering of the world, 1 = only draw visible ones, 2 = draw all front facing, 3 = draw all I RNDR ST CH MO
r_showUnsmoothedTangents "0" bool if 1, put all nvidia register combiner programming in display lists B RNDR ST CH MO
r_showUnweld "0" string fixme S ST CH MO
r_showUpdates "0" bool report entity and light updates and ref counts B RNDR ST CH MO
r_showVertexCache "0" int no description I RNDR ST CH MO
r_showVertexColor "0" bool draws all triangles with the solid vertex color B RNDR ST CH MO
r_showViewEntitys "0" int 1 = displays the bounding boxes of all view models, 2 = print index numbers I RNDR ST CH MO
r_singleArea "0" bool only draw the portal area the view is actually in B RNDR ST CH MO
r_singleEntity "-1" int suppress all but one entity I RNDR ST CH MO
r_singleLight "-1" int suppress all but one light I RNDR ST CH MO
r_singleSurface "-1" int suppress all but one surface on each entity I RNDR ST CH MO
r_singleTriangle "0" bool only draw a single triangle per primitive B RNDR ST CH MO
r_skipAmbient "0" bool bypasses all non-interaction drawing B RNDR ST CH MO
r_skipBackEnd "0" bool don't draw anything B RNDR ST CH MO
r_skipBlendLights "0" bool skip all blend lights B RNDR ST CH MO
r_skipBump "0" bool uses a flat surface instead of the bump map B RNDR ST AR MO
r_skipCopyTexture "0" bool do all rendering, but don't actually copyTexSubImage2D B RNDR ST CH MO
r_skipDecals "0" bool ignore the decals B RNDR ST CH MO
r_skipDeforms "0" bool leave all deform materials in their original state B RNDR ST CH MO
r_skipDiffuse "0" bool use black for diffuse B RNDR ST CH MO
r_skipDownsize "0" bool skip downsize command in materials B RNDR ST CH MO
r_skipDynamicTextures "0" bool don't dynamically create textures B RNDR ST CH MO
r_skipFogLights "0" bool skip all fog lights B RNDR ST CH MO
r_skipFrontEnd "0" bool bypasses all front end work, but 2D gui rendering still draws B RNDR ST CH MO
r_skipGuiShaders "0" int [0, 3] 1 = skip all gui elements on surfaces, 2 = skip drawing but still handle events, 3 = draw but skip events I RNDR ST CH MO
r_skipInteractions "0" bool skip all light/surface interaction drawing B RNDR ST CH MO
r_skipLightScale "0" bool don't do any post-interaction light scaling, makes things dim on low-dynamic range cards B RNDR ST CH MO
r_skipMegaTexture "0" int only use the lowest level image I RNDR ST CH MO
r_skipNewAmbient "0" bool bypasses all vertex/fragment program ambient drawing B RNDR ST AR MO
r_skipOverlays "0" bool skip overlay surfaces B RNDR ST CH MO
r_skipPostProcess "0" bool skip all post-process renderings B RNDR ST CH MO
r_skipRender "0" bool skip 3D rendering, but pass 2D B RNDR ST CH MO
r_skipRenderContext "0" bool NULL the rendering context during backend 3D rendering B RNDR ST CH MO
r_skipROQ "0" bool skip ROQ decoding B RNDR ST CH MO
r_skipSpecular "0" bool use black for specular1 B RNDR ST AR MO
r_skipSubviews "0" int 1 = don't render any gui elements on surfaces I RNDR ST CH MO
r_skipSuppress "0" bool ignore the per-view suppressions B RNDR ST CH MO
r_skipTextures "0" string fixme S ST CH MO
r_skipTranslucent "0" bool skip the translucent interaction rendering B RNDR ST CH MO
r_skipUpdates "0" bool 1 = don't accept any entity or light updates making everything static B RNDR ST CH MO
r_slopNormal "0.02" string merge normals that dot less than this S RNDR ST CH MO
r_slopTexCoord "0.001" string merge texture coordinates this far apart S RNDR ST CH MO
r_slopVertex "0.01" string merge xyz coordinates this far apart S RNDR ST CH MO
r_subviewOnly "0" bool 1 = don't render main view, allowing subviews to be debugged B RNDR ST CH MO
r_suppressMultipleUpdates "1" bool optimised def updates B RNDR ST CH MO
r_swapInterval "0" int changes wglSwapIntarval I RNDR ST AR
r_terrainScale "3" int vertically scale USGS data I RNDR ST CH MO
r_test "0" string for internal testing of stuff S ST CH MO
r_testARBProgram "0" bool experiment with vertex/fragment programs B RNDR ST CH MO
r_testGamma "0" float [0, 195] if > 0 draw a grid pattern to test gamma levels F RNDR ST CH MO
r_testGammaBias "0" float if > 0 draw a grid pattern to test gamma levels F RNDR ST CH MO
r_testSpecialEffect "0" int enables a special effect I RNDR ST CH
r_testSpecialEffectParm "0" int parameter index for special effect I RNDR ST CH MO
r_testSpecialEffectParmValue "0" float parameter value for special effect F RNDR ST CH MO
r_testStepGamma "0" float if > 0 draw a grid pattern to test gamma levels F RNDR ST CH MO
r_trackTextureUsage "0" bool Track useage of textures during cinematics B RNDR ST CH MO
r_useCachedDynamicModels "1" bool cache snapshots of dynamic models B RNDR ST CH MO
r_useClippedLightScissors "1" int [0, 2] 0 = full screen when near clipped, 1 = exact when near clipped, 2 = exact always I RNDR ST CH MO
r_useCombinerDisplayLists "1" bool put all nvidia register combiner programming in display lists B RNDR ST MO
r_useConstantMaterials "1" bool use pre-calculated material registers if possible B RNDR ST CH MO
r_useCulling "2" int [0, 2] 0 = none, 1 = sphere, 2 = sphere + box I RNDR ST CH MO
r_useDeferredTangents "1" bool defer tangents calculations after deform B RNDR ST CH MO
r_useDepthBoundsTest "1" bool use depth bounds test to reduce shadow fill B RNDR ST CH MO
r_useEntityCallbacks "1" bool if 0, issue the callback immediately at update time, rather than defering B RNDR ST CH MO
r_useEntityCulling "1" bool 0 = none, 1 = box B RNDR ST CH MO
r_useEntityScissors "1" bool 1 = use a custom scissor for LOD screen coverage calcs, but don't clip B RNDR ST CH MO
r_useExternalShadows "1" int [0, 2] 1 = skip drawing caps when outside the light volume, 2 = force to no caps for testing I RNDR ST CH MO
r_useFastSkinning "0" bool use fast skinning with a single weight per vertex B RNDR ST MO
r_useFrustumFarDistance "0" float if != 0 force the view frustum far distance to this distance F RNDR ST CH MO
r_useIndexBuffers "0" int [0, 1] use ARB_vertex_buffer_object for indexes I RNDR ST AR MO
r_useInfiniteFarZ "1" bool use the no-far-clip-plane trick B RNDR ST CH MO
r_useInteractionCulling "1" bool 1 = cull interactions B RNDR ST CH MO
r_useInteractionScissors "2" int [-2, 2] 1 = use a custom scissor rectangle for each shadow interaction, 2 = also crop using portal scissors I RNDR ST CH MO
r_useLightCulling "3" int [0, 3] 0 = none, 1 = box, 2 = exact clip of polyhedron faces, 3 = also areas I RNDR ST CH MO
r_useLightPortalFlow "1" bool use a more precise area reference determination B RNDR ST CH MO
r_useLightScissors "1" bool 1 = use custom scissor rectangle for each light B RNDR ST CH MO
r_useNewSkinning "1" bool use new skinning B RNDR ST MO
r_useNodeCommonChildren "1" bool stop pushing reference bounds early when possible B RNDR ST CH MO
r_useNV20MonoLights "1" int use pass optimization for mono lights I RNDR ST CH MO
r_useOptimizedShadows "1" bool use the dmap generated static shadow volumes B RNDR ST CH MO
r_usePenumbraMapShadows "0" bool use penumbra/shadow maps shadows for projected lights B RNDR ST CH MO
r_usePortals "1" bool 1 = use portals to perform area culling, otherwise draw everything B RNDR ST CH MO
r_usePreciseTriangleInteractions "0" bool 1 = do winding clipping to determine if each ambiguous tri should be lit B RNDR ST CH MO
r_useScissor "1" bool scissor clip as portals and lights are processed B RNDR ST CH MO
r_useShadowCulling "1" bool try to cull shadows from partially visible lights B RNDR ST CH MO
r_useShadowProjectedCull "1" bool discard triangles outside light volume before shadowing B RNDR ST CH MO
r_useShadowSurfaceScissor "1" bool scissor shadows by the scissor rect of the interaction surfaces B RNDR ST CH MO
r_useShadowVertexProgram "1" bool do the shadow projection in the vertex program on capable cards B RNDR ST CH MO
r_useSilRemap "1" bool consider verts with the same XYZ, but different ST the same for shadows B RNDR ST CH MO
r_useSimpleInteraction "0" bool use simple interaction program for faster rendering B RNDR ST MO
r_useStateCaching "1" bool avoid redundant state changes in GL_*() calls B RNDR ST CH MO
r_useTripleTextureARB "1" bool cards with 3+ texture units do a two pass instead of three pass B RNDR ST CH MO
r_useTurboShadow "1" bool use the infinite projection with W technique for dynamic shadows B RNDR ST CH MO
r_useTwoSidedStencil "1" bool do stencil shadows in one pass with different ops on each side B RNDR ST CH MO
r_useVertexBuffers "1" int [0, 1] use ARB_vertex_buffer_object for vertexes I RNDR ST CH MO
r_varmegs "32" string no description S CH MO
r_videoCard "NVIDIA Corporation/GeForce 6600 GT/AGP/SSE/3DNOW!/2.0.0" string holds info about the installed video card S SYS ST IN MO
r_videoSettingsFailed "0" int set to 1 after startup if the current video settings failed I ST CH MO
r_znear "3" float [0.001, 200] near Z clip plane distance F RNDR ST CH MO
radiant_ALTEdgeDrag "0" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_AngleSpeed "300" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_Autosave "1" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_AutosaveMinutes "5" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_camerawindow "2C000000 00000000 01000000 FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF 00000000 20000000 F6010000 42010000" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_ChaseMouse "1" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_CubicClipping "1" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_CubicScale "13" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_DrawVertLines "1" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_EntityShow "0" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_GTKDeselectFace "0" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_InspectorDockedDialogs "6352" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_InspectorsWindow "2C000000 00000000 01000000 FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF 00000000 F7000000 F7010000 2C030000" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_LastMap "" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_LoadLastMap "0" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_MainWindowPlace "2C000000 02000000 03000000 0083FFFF 0083FFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FCFFFFFF FCFFFFFF 04040000 C8020000" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_MoveSpeed "400" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_NewLightStyle "1" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_NewMapFormat "1" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_NoClamp "0" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_NoStipple "0" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_PaintSelect "0" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_RadiantMapPath "" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_RotateLock "1" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_Rotation "45" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_RunBefore "1" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_SavedInfo "CC010000 776A0000 0000803F 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000803F 0000803F 00008030 000403F0 000403F0 000403F0 000003F0 000003F0 000003F0 000803E0 000803E0 000803E0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 000803F0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 000803F0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 000803F0 000003F0 00000000 000403F0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00100002 01000000 000803F0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000000" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_ShiftClickGroup "1" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_SizePainting "0" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_Snapshots "0" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_SnapT "0" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_splineWeldEpsilon "30" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_StatusPointSize "10" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_SurfaceTexFitStep "0.1" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_SurfaceTexRotate "15" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_SurfaceTexScale "1" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_SurfaceTexShift "0.5" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_SwitchClipKey "1" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_TextureLock "1" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_TextureScale "50" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_TextureScrollbar "1" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_texwindow "FDFFFFFF CC010000 1E000000 2A020000" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_UndoLevels "63" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_xywindow "2C000000 00000000 01000000 FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF 55020000 20000000 FC040000 2C030000" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_XZVIS "0" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_xzwindow "2C000000 00000000 01000000 FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF 05000000 19000000 77000000 64000000" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_YZVIS "0" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_yzwindow "2C000000 00000000 01000000 FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF 05000000 19000000 77000000 64000000" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_ZClipBottom "C0FFFFFF" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_ZClipEnabled "00" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_ZClipTop "40000000" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_ZVIS "1" string no description S TOOL CH MO
radiant_zwindow "2C000000 00000000 01000000 FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF F7010000 20000000 55020000 2C030000" string no description S TOOL CH MO
rb_showActive "0" bool show rigid bodies that are not at rest B GAME ST CH MO
rb_showBodies "0" bool show rigid bodies B GAME ST CH MO
rb_showContacts "0" bool show rigid body contacts B GAME ST CH MO
rb_showInertia "0" bool show the inertia tensor of each rigid body B GAME ST CH MO
rb_showMass "0" bool show the mass of each rigid body B GAME ST CH MO
rb_showTimings "0" bool show rigid body cpu usage B GAME ST CH MO
rb_showVelocity "0" bool show the velocity of each rigid body B GAME ST CH MO
s_clipVolumes "1" bool no description B SND ST CH MO
s_constantAmplitude "-1" float no description F SND ST CH MO
s_decompressionLimit "2" float specifies maximum uncompressed sample length in seconds F SND ST AR MO
s_deviceName "NVIDIA(R) nForce(TM) Audio" string OpenAL device name S SND ST IN AR MO
s_doorDistanceAdd "150" float reduce sound volume with this distance when going through a door F SND ST AR MO
s_dotbias2 "1.1" float no description F SND ST CH MO
s_dotbias6 "0.8" float no description F SND ST CH MO
s_drawSounds "0" int [0, 2] no description I SND ST CH MO
s_force22kHz "0" bool no description B SND ST CH MO
s_frequencyShift "1" bool enable or disable the frequency shift functionality B SND ST CH MO
s_globalFraction "0.8" float volume to all speakers when not spatialized F SND ST AR MO
s_loadOpenALFailed "1" bool set to true if the OpenAL dll failed to load B SND ST CH MO
s_maxChannelsMixed "24" int max number of emitter channels that can be simultaneously mixed I SND ST AR MO
s_maxSoundsPerShader "0" string no description S SND ST AR MO
s_meterTopTime "2000" int no description I SND ST AR MO
s_minStereo "8" int minimum number of stereo sounds I SND ST AR MO
s_minVolume2 "0.25" float no description F SND ST CH MO
s_minVolume6 "0" float no description F SND ST CH MO
s_musicVolume "0.5" float [0, 1] volume of music F SND ST AR
s_muteEAXReverb "0" bool mute EAX reverb B SND ST CH MO
s_noSound "0" bool no description B SND ST CH MO
s_numberOfSpeakers "2" string number of speakers S SND ST AR MO
s_playDefaultSound "1" bool play a beep for missing sounds B SND ST AR MO
s_quadraticFalloff "0" bool no description B SND ST CH MO
s_radioChatterFraction "0.9" float volume adjust, from 0 to 1, applied to every sound playing on the radio chatter channel F SND ST AR MO
s_realTimeDecoding "1" bool no description B SND ST IN MO
s_reverbFeedback "0.333" float no description F SND ST CH MO
s_reverbTime "1000" float no description F SND ST CH MO
s_reverse "0" bool no description B SND ST AR MO
s_showLevelMeter "0" bool no description B SND ST CH MO
s_showStartHardware "0" int no description I SND ST CH MO
s_showStartSound "0" int no description I SND ST CH MO
s_singleEmitter "-1" int mute all sounds but this emitter I SND ST CH MO
s_skipStartSound "0" bool skip starting new sounds B SND ST CH MO
s_spatializationDecay "2" float no description F SND ST AR MO
s_speakerFraction "0.65" float volume adjust, from 0 to 1, applied to every sound not playing on a voice channel F SND ST AR MO
s_subFraction "0.5" float volume to subwoofer in 5.1 F SND ST AR MO
s_useDeferredSettings "1" bool use OpenAL deferred settings B SND ST AR MO
s_useEAXOcclusion "0" bool use EAX occlusion B SND ST AR MO
s_useEAXReverb "0" bool use EAX reverb B SND ST AR MO
s_useOcclusion "1" bool no description B SND ST CH MO
s_useOpenAL "0" bool use openal B SND ST AR MO
s_volume "1" float volume 0 to 1 F SND ST AR MO
sensitivity "5" float mouse view sensitivity F SYS ST AR MO
si_allowHitscanTint "2" int use hitscan tint (e.g. rail color) 0 - no tinting allowed, 1 - player hitscan tinting allowed in DM and NO hitscan tinting in team games, 2 - player hitscan tinting allowed in DM and use team-color hitscan tints in team games I GAME SI ST AR MO
si_allowVoting "0" bool enable or disable server option voting B GAME SI ST AR MO
si_autobalance "1" bool maintain even teams B GAME SI ST AR MO
si_captureLimit "5" int [1, 999] score limit for CTF I GAME SI ST AR MO
si_countDown "10" int [4, 3600] pregame countdown in seconds I GAME SI ST MO
si_entityFilter "" string filter to use when spawning entities S GAME SI ST MO
si_fragLimit "10" int [0, 999] frag limit I GAME SI ST AR MO
si_gameType "DM" string [singleplayer, DM, Tourney, Team DM, CTF, Arena CTF] game type - singleplayer, DM, Team DM, CTF, Arena CTF, or Tourney S GAME SI ST AR MO
si_idleServer "0" bool game clients are idle B SYS SI ST IN MO
si_map "mp/q4dm1" string map to be played next on server S GAME SI ST AR MO
si_mapCycle "" string map cycle list semicolon delimited S GAME SI ST AR MO
si_maxPlayers "12" int [1, 16] max number of players allowed on the server I GAME SI ST AR MO
si_minPlayers "2" int [1, 16] min number of players to start a game (only when warmup is enabled) I GAME SI ST AR MO
si_name "Quake 4 Server" string name of the server S GAME SI ST AR MO
si_numPlayers "4" string no description S SI AR MO
si_pure "1" bool server is pure and does not allow modified data B GAME SI ST MO
si_shuffle "0" bool shuffle teams after each round B GAME SI ST AR MO
si_spectators "1" bool allow spectators or require all clients to play B GAME SI ST AR MO
si_teamDamage "0" bool enable team damage B GAME SI ST AR MO
si_timeLimit "0" int [0, 60] time limit in minutes I GAME SI ST AR MO
si_tourneyLimit "3" int [1, 999] number of times a tourney will be run before cycling maps I GAME SI ST AR MO
si_usePass "0" bool enable client password checking B GAME SI ST AR MO
si_useReady "0" bool require players to ready before starting a match B GAME SI ST AR MO
si_version "Quake4 Final V1.0.0.0 Build 2147 win-x86 Sep 23 2005" string engine version S SYS SI ST RO MO
si_warmup "1" bool do pre-game warmup B GAME SI ST AR MO
si_weaponStay "0" bool cannot pick up weapons you already have (get no ammo from them) B GAME SI ST MO
subliminal "0" bool no description B SYS ST MO
sv_punkbuster "0" bool is server side PunkBuster enabled? B SI ST AR MO
sys_arch "WinXP (NT)" string no description S SYS ST IN MO
sys_country "" string holds system country S SYS ST IN MO
sys_cpustring "AMD CPU" string no description S SYS ST IN MO
sys_lang "english" string active language S SYS ST AR
sys_language "English" string holds system language S SYS ST IN MO
sys_opticalMedia "unknown" string holds whether system has CD or DVD S SYS ST IN MO
timescale "1" string scales the time S SYS ST CH MO
ui_autoReload "1" bool auto reload weapon B GAME UI ST AR MO
ui_autoSwitch "1" bool auto switch weapon B GAME UI ST AR MO
ui_chat "1" bool player is chatting B GAME UI ST RO MO
ui_clan "" string player clan S GAME UI ST AR MO
ui_hitscanTint "120.0 0.6 1.0" string a tint applied to select hitscan effects. Specified as a value in HSV color space. Hue [0.0-360.0] Saturation [0.0-1.0] Value [0.75-1.0] S GAME UI ST AR MO
ui_model "marine" string player model, blank uses default model S GAME UI ST AR MO
ui_model_backup "" string player model backup S GAME UI ST MO
ui_model_marine "" string player model used on marine team in team games, blank uses default model S GAME UI ST AR MO
ui_model_strogg "" string player model used on strogg team in team games, blank uses default model S GAME UI ST AR MO
ui_name "Player" string player name S GAME UI ST AR MO
ui_ready "Not Ready" string player is ready to start playing S GAME UI ST MO
ui_showGun "1" bool show gun B GAME UI ST AR MO
ui_skin "base" string no description S UI AR MO
ui_spectate "Play" string play or spectate S GAME UI ST MO
ui_team "Marine" string [Marine, Strogg] player team S GAME UI ST AR MO
viewnotes_categories "Animation;Art;Bug;Build Notes;Design;Feedback Group 1;Feedback Group 2;Feedback Group 3;Generic;Info;Jump Point;Monster;Scripting;Sound;Suggestion" string no description S TOOL CH MO
viewnotes_names "Chuck Nicholson;Gretchen Carlson;Ken Banks;Jeff Dischler;Eric Biessman;Chad Bordwell;Bryan Dube;Ford Dye;Mike Egnew;Mike Ekberg;Chris Foster;Mike Gummelt;Jim Hughes;Kevin Long;Nick Maggiore;Mike Majernik;Nathan McKenzie;Scott McNutt;Corey Peters;Zack Quarles;Mike Renner;Jim Shepard;Matt Vainio;Andrew Weldon;Pat Williams;--Graham Fuchs;--Tim Willits" string no description S TOOL CH MO
win_allowAltTab "0" bool allow Alt-Tab when fullscreen B SYS ST CH MO
win_allowMultipleInstances "0" bool allow multiple instances running concurrently B SYS ST CH MO
win_enableFPUExceptions "0" bool enable FPU exceptions B SYS ST CH MO
win_notaskkeys "0" int disable windows task keys I SYS ST CH MO
win_outputDebugString "1" bool no description B SYS ST CH MO
win_outputEditString "1" bool no description B SYS ST CH MO
win_sysErrorNoWait "0" bool allows the game to exit immediately on a fatal error B SYS ST CH MO
win_timerUpdate "0" bool allows the game to be updated while dragging the window B SYS ST CH MO
win_username "" string windows user name S SYS ST IN MO
win_viewlog "0" int no description I SYS ST CH
win_viewlog_update_count "10" int number of lines before main window refresh to trigger view log refresh I SYS ST AR MO
win_viewlog_xpos "0" int horizontal position of viewlog I SYS ST AR
win_viewlog_ypos "0" int vertical position of viewlog I SYS ST AR
win_xpos "3" int horizontal position of window I SYS ST AR
win_ypos "22" int vertical position of window I SYS ST AR

Total: 887